

俄罗斯研发永久光盘 能存储数据100万年:bat365(中国)在线平台官方网站

2024-09-21 03:56:31
本文摘要:Russian scientists are completing work on super-stable optical memory technology to create a disc capable of storing information for one million years under certain conditions.俄罗斯科学家将要已完成超级平稳的光存储技术的研发工作,以建构一种在特定条件下能将数据存储100万年的光盘。

Russian scientists are completing work on super-stable optical memory technology to create a disc capable of storing information for one million years under certain conditions.俄罗斯科学家将要已完成超级平稳的光存储技术的研发工作,以建构一种在特定条件下能将数据存储100万年的光盘。They created a prototype of an eternal disc and will conduct research and development work in 2018-2020, said Ivan Glebov, head of the Moscow-based laboratory of laser nanostructuring in glass at the Foundation for Advanced Research Projects.坐落于莫斯科的先进设备研究项目基金会激光纳米结构玻璃实验室主任伊万·格列博夫回应,他们生产出有了“永久光盘”的原型,并将在2018-2020年积极开展研发工作。The new storage device is made of quartz glass. To record data, a femtosecond laser delivers extremely short and intense light pulses onto a piece of quartz.这种新型存储设备由石英玻璃做成。

飞秒激光器将很短且强劲的光脉冲传输到一片石英上以光盘数据。The disc is resistant to fires, radiation and electromagnetic waves.该光盘耐火、防辐射还以防电磁波。

It will be capable of storing up to 1 TB of data in the future. Presently, the researchers are striving for 25 GB/disc data capacity.未来,该光盘将可存储高达1TB的数据。目前,研究人员力争使每个光盘的数据容量超过25GB。

At the current stage, the FARP laboratory regards state organizations, such as the Book Chamber and the Russian State Library, as the first users of the new technology.在现阶段,先进设备研究项目基金会实验室把诸如版本图书馆和俄罗斯国家图书馆在内的国家性机构,作为该技术的第一批使用者。The technology also attracts organizations that need long-term or permanent data storage. There are a lot of such organizations, and it is especially important to data processing centers, because they accumulate a large volume of information from various state structures, Glebov said.格列博夫称之为:“该技术还更有了必须长年或永久数据存储的机构。



