


2024-10-07 04:06:01
本文摘要:China announced last Monday that all member states of the United Nations are welcome to cooperate with China to jointly utilize its future China Space Station (CSS). 上周一,中国宣告青睐所有联合国成员国同中国合作,联合利用未来的中国空间站。

China announced last Monday that all member states of the United Nations are welcome to cooperate with China to jointly utilize its future China Space Station (CSS). 上周一,中国宣告青睐所有联合国成员国同中国合作,联合利用未来的中国空间站。CSS belongs not only to China, but also to the world, said Shi Zhongjun, Chinas ambassador to the UN and other international organizations in Vienna.中国派驻维也纳联合国和其他国际的组织代表史忠俊大使回应:“中国空间站不仅归属于中国,也归属于世界。”All countries, regardless of their size and level of development, can participate in the cooperation on an equal footing, he said. 他说道:“所有国家,不论其大小和发展水平,都能公平地参予到此次合作中来。”CSS, expected to be launched by 2019, and complete and brought into operation by 2022, will be the worlds first space station that is developed by a developing country and open for cooperation with all UN member states. 中国空间站核心舱预计将于2019年升空,2022年竣工并投放运营,预计将沦为首个由发展中国家修建的,且面向联合国所有会员国对外开放的空间站。

Consisting of one core module and two experiment modules, CSS will have the capacity to accommodate up to three astronauts at the same time and maximum six during rotation.由一个核心模块和两个实验舱构成的中国空间站,将有能力同时容纳3名宇航员,而在转动过程中最多可容纳6名宇航员。Operating in a low-Earth orbit about 400 kilometers above the Earths surface, CSS will be used in a wide range of research fields, including space medicine, life science, biotechnology, microgravity science, Earth science and space technology.中国空间站将在距离地表大约400千米低的近地轨道上运营,将被普遍应用于太空医学、生命科学、生物技术、微重力科学、地球科学和航天技术等研究领域。


