


2024-09-27 04:06:02
本文摘要:Mike Senna, a computer programmer from Orange County, California, has spent the last two and a half years building a real-life Wall-E robot, from scratch. It moves around, rolls and talks, but he doesnt collect trash.经过了两年半的希望,来自加州奥兰治县的电脑程序设计师麦克-森纳再一用上了一个现实版的机器人瓦力。

Mike Senna, a computer programmer from Orange County, California, has spent the last two and a half years building a real-life Wall-E robot, from scratch. It moves around, rolls and talks, but he doesnt collect trash.经过了两年半的希望,来自加州奥兰治县的电脑程序设计师麦克-森纳再一用上了一个现实版的机器人瓦力。它依存,能绕圈,能说出,不过还会搜集垃圾。In 2009, shortly after the movie Wall-E was launched, we featured some photos of cool Wall-E computer case mod, but that feat simply pales in comparison to Mike Sennas awesome achievement.2009年,电影《机器人瓦力》公映旋即,我们曾拍下过几张用电脑机箱搭起的瓦力照片。

但在森纳所获得的无以伦比的成就面前,这些照片变得出现异常苍白。The robot aficionado spend between 3,200 and 3,800 man hours building his very own version of the adorable Pixar trash-collecting hero. His computer programming skills definitely came in handy, but seeing as there were no Wall-E parts available anywhere on this planet, he had to construct the whole thing from scratch. He worked on it about 25 hours a week, after his day job, but all the hard work certainly paid off.这个机器人狂人花费了3200到3800工时,来修建这个独一无二版的热衷垃圾搜集的皮克斯动画甜美主人公。森纳的计算机程序设计技术毫无疑问派上了用场。

不过鉴于在这个世界上还没任何类似于瓦力的不存在,这一切都必需从零开始设计。森纳每天在白天的工作后开始动手制作瓦力,每周在这上面花费25小时,再一这艰辛的劳作取得了顺利。This isnt Mike Sennas first robot, either. In 2003, he created his own version of R2D2, so hes pretty well-known in select geek circles. His latest creation has started making appearances at various events, putting a smile on childrens faces and getting praised by adult geeks.这并不是森纳生产出有的第一个机器人。



